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Build Your Needs, Your Goals, and Your Growth into a Benefits Package Customized for You.


Since 1982, JC&A has focused on serving employers. We create value through employee benefits that enable employers to attract top talent, retain key personnel and extend a foundation on which a company can grow. Much can be accomplished through a successful employee benefits plan, and most employers haven’t experienced the full potential of employee benefits.


We pride ourselves on being independent and family owned.  We don’t report to shareholders, a bank or a network of other brokers. Instead, we work for our clients…period.  Our independence allows us to be flexible and nimble, to navigate the ever-changing insurance market and focus our attention on bringing new values to our clients which directly address their needs and long-term goals.  


JC&A works with all major carriers in our market for medical and ancillary coverages, and we also work with carriers you may know be familiar with yet provide unique solutions.  Rather than tell YOU what YOU’RE going to do, our approach is to listen to you, your needs, your goals and bring solutions that will work for you.  


In today’s market, it takes more than just insurance policies to make an effective employee benefit strategy. There are a variety of additional services and partner relationships that we can utilize to make you benefits plan far more effective:

  • HR Support

  • Payroll Services and Benefits Integration

  • HRIS

  • Virtual Medicine/TeleMedicine

  • Wellness Plans

  • ERISA Wrap Documents

  • 5500 Preparation

  • COBRA Administration

  • ACA Compliance

  • HSAs

  • FSAs

  • HRAs

  • Section 125 (pre-tax or premium only) plans

  • Worksite Services 


The JC&A Difference

We work for you

the best in

customer service

build for the

big picture

As an independent, family-owned agency, we don't report to shareholders, brokers, or bankers - we work for our clients.  

When you call us, a real, live person will ask you “How can I make your day better?”  It’s not enough to do work, we want to do it well.

Improve the value of your company with a multi-year strategy executed by our team on your behalf. Let us help you mitigate increases, get more control, and get off of the annual roller coaster of rate fluctuations.

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