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Our experience with Association Health Plans allows us to simplify and streamline the process for you. 


Associations are searching for new solutions and values to bring to their membership, not only for retention, but also to bring in new membership. Association Health Plans (AHPs) are all the rage and at the forefront of the conversation, and it is a highly political topic. Associations likely have more questions than answers:

  • Can we create an AHP?

  • Is an AHP right for us?

  • How much in the way of time, resources, staff and financial investment will it take to create an AHP?

  • Are there better alternatives to an AHP?

JC&A is uniquely positioned in our experience in serving both the traditional AHPs (e.g. MEWA, “bona fide”) as well as using our exclusive solution, The Endorsement Method™, for associations to create hundreds of thousands in savings for association members.  Take a look at our case study to see what JC&A has already done or associations.

The Endorsement Method

Membership retention

Create a
unique offering

create financial savings

Association supported employee benefits give new members a reason to join and existing members more reasons to stay as an active member.

Health Benefits are a pain point for many businesses. Our Endorsement Method gives you a unique opportunity to solve a problem for your association members.

We've helped association members save thousands through The Endorsement Method. Let’s start a conversation to see if developing a plan for savings is a good fit for your membership.


To learn more about Association Health Plans,

contact Joey Costa at 706-224-7610 or

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